Introducing Our UNature Virtual Course
Lichen Labs created the 3-part UNature Virtual course to support Middle School science teachers in bringing biomimicry to the classroom. Teachers can facilitate this course at their school or virtually!
Lichen Labs created the 3-part UNature Virtual course to support Middle School science teachers in bringing biomimicry to the classroom. Teachers can facilitate this course at their school or virtually!
Nature offers incredible innovation and inspiration if we know how to find it! During our founder Sue Okerstrom’s time completing her Certified Biomimicry Professional (BPro) program through Biomimicry 3.8, she experienced six in-person sessions across the world studying biomimicry. You can read about her experience during the program
It all started with an armadillo. It’s February 2012 at the Innovation Conference in La Jolla, California. Helen Chen of the San Diego Zoo is holding a live armadillo and sharing how the Zoo has a new program where scientists study the adaptations of animals
Where is the best place to look for innovation and inspiration for your project? Why nature, of course! Nature offers unique solutions for everyday problems. Lichen Labs is proud to offer diverse services in Microscopic Analysis and Biomimicry Research. In the endeavor of finding scientific